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Joining our headline act, Veeeky (Taiwan) and Jex Wang, Female Wizard and a very rare b2b2b set between Cloudy Ku, D V D and Prophecy Girl.

Off the back of an absolute massive packed-out event at Sub Club in October, SPEED速度 looks to mix up the formula by hosting its first ever event at Naarm institute Colour Club on November 19th (11 PM -5 AM) , with another huge lineup of local Speedies, headlined by Taiwanese Multidisciplinary artist veeeky.

veeeky’s DJ work traverses similar realms to that of her other artistic outlets A Graphic Designer, Multimedia Artist, DJ, Visual Artist and co-director of Fashion label Socialism Core Values, veeeky will be making her way to Australia in November, and one of her first stops is at SPEED速度, to give you a taste of what the Taipei electronic music scene has to offer.

Joining our headline act, veeeky for the November edition of SPEED速度, will be Naarm/London’s dance floor connoisseur Jex Wang, Naarm’s one true dimension bender, Female Wizard and a very rare b2b2b set between SPEED Founder Cloudy Ku, world-renowned producer D V D and iconic QUEER CUNT DJ, Prophecy Girl.

Having proven that it can whip even the largest crowd into a frenzy and turn any punter into a certified hoon, SPEED速度 looks to continue its string of iconic and packed out events,this time turning to Naarm institute Colour Club to give this venue it’s first taste of SPEED速度.

We invite you to come down early and stay late while celebrating this incredible line up of unprecedentedly talented DJ's as they once again prove why the electronic dance music community has found itself with a collective Need For SPEED速度 .

Line Up:
> Cloudy Ku x D V D x Prophecy Girl
> Female Wizard
> Jex Wang
> veeeky (Taiwan)
/ / Visuals on the night by veeeky //

15 October


9 December

SPEED 速度 3 Year Anniversary Event